Like this, and so much more.. much, MUCH more... Enjoy....
(click to see larger image;
or readable text and PDF link below)
First, see our newer Sister-Site:,
The ShitMonkey LOSER–(Benedict DonOLD trump) Memorial Homepage,
for more humor, commentary, satire, and a GREAT anti-trump video that I wish I had made.
(click here if you want to skip to the imagery proper and miss out on the other stuff)
I've noticed lately that some people seem to be (or are) "copying" my style, and some of my content. (And/or "Great Minds Think Alike") And I'm fine with that. Took long enough. Imitation is the highest form of flattery, or thereabouts. It still BOGGLES my mind that people don't ALWAYS refer to that Ignominious Treasonous Traitor as ShitMonkey LOSER–Benedict DonOLD trump every time they say his name or reference him. But FINALLY it looks like more and more people are. WAY past due. I look forward to the day when someone in the "Mainstream News" calls him that. That will be a great day.
I tried to walk away from this crap, thinking it was all FINALLY over, but, like a Bad Penny, if not
an Evil Penny, it (and he) keeps coming back, stuck to the bottom of my shoe. Maybe it will never be
over until it is "All Over". (whatever that means, or ends up meaning) So I sadly post about it
still, now and then. It is REALLY getting OLD. This is one of my more recent posts I include when I
can, on Social Media, or wherever, as a reminder to people about the Reality of the World in which
we live:
Hyper-RINO ShitMonkey LOSER–#BenedictDonOLD #trump &
ALL of his Hyper-RINO CULT-trumpTrash ONCE-gop GQP "republican" 'conservative'
Sh!tMonkey supporters are ALL UNpatriotic UNamerican Treasonous Traitors,
Domestic Terrorists, and Racist, Sexist, & Xenophobic White Supremacists & Nationalists.
I do these images (below & elsewhere) partly for catharsis, partly to make points and as political commentary, and partly for the humoristic laughs. Even if others aren't laughing, I am, and that's what's most important. It also probably helps keep me sane-ish in A World Gone Mad.
We need to Make America AMERICA Again!
#MakeAmericaAMERICAagain #MAAA
(as it was, more or less, prior to November 8, 2016)
AND We need to Make America GOOD Again!
#MakeAmericaGOODagain #MAGA
(as in DECENT, as it was, more or less, prior to November 8, 2016 — in the ideal, as usual, as
always, ever falling short, but that's "okay", and to be expected)
The ONLY way that can possibly occur at this point is to Impeach the Treasonous Traitor ShitMonkey LOSER–Benedict DonOLD trump and remove him from office if he refuses to resign. He should go to prison. (and not the "wealthy person prison" that is humorously referred to as a "country club prison" — he should do HARD time in Leavenworth — unfortunately, you know Pence will pardon him, once ShitMonkey LOSER–Benedict DonOLD trump is forcefully told that he cannot pardon himself — that is the JOKE and laughingstock that ShitMonkey LOSER–Benedict DonOLD trump, et al., have turned America into)
AddenDUMBER: [sicK] In 2025, Beyond SADly, Everything old is new again. #WTF
Addendumb: [sicK] Now that, in 2021,
ShitMonkey LOSER–Benedict DonOLD trump has at least FINALLY been
exorcized (and excoriated) from the EPIC FAILURE known as his "presidency" — cut out like the
cancer he is, and they are, but still WAY TOO MANY still lingering around — perhaps America
will Rise Up Out of the Ashes.
Personally, I'm not holding my breath.
Since he has NOT actually "Gone Away" (yet), and continues to do even more harm to our country, from
the dank swamps of Florida, along with his ShitMonkey PSYCHOphant supporters and the like spread
across this once-great country, including MANY in Congress, it still does not look good or bode well.
It remains to be seen.
The so-called Powers That Be seem to be on the attack now, legally, and there is always the slim
chance and slight hope that he (and they, but mostly he) will get some of his Just Deserts. We can
only hope. But there is almost literally nothing that can be done to him that is close to what he
truly deserves. (and they)
What a deep dark abyss of abysmal failure the last 4 years have been for ALL Americans (and the
World; but SOME of them deserved what they got and others did not get close to what they truly
deserved). Such an horrible waste.
And as if trump et al. was not bad enough, the 2019/2020/2021 (/2022+?) COVID-19 CoronaVirus Death
Pandemic ("The Big V") was baby shit icing on the nasty cake served up and force-fed to us all,
made horrifically worse by trump, as usual. (if you were surprised, you were not paying attention)
Following is a textual version of the
image above-top
for easier reading. My hopefully final version of this meme (revised, yet again, September 2022,
for comprehensive accuracy), and I keep hoping it will be my final image on this subject, and I can
rest on my laurels, so to speak. But I have a sad, urpy, sickening, sinking feeling in my soul that
it is still not over yet. Stay tuned.... (isn't this CRAP EVER going to end???)
(link to PDF document version)
• The FATE of ShitMonkey LOSER–Benedict DonOLD TYPHOID-trump in 2021 & Beyond
An Aggregated Collection from Across the Internet and Around the World
including Truths, Facts, Reality, Observations, Opinions, and Occasional Humors
With Malice Aforethought and Wanton Malfeasance, a COUP has been enacted against the United States
of America, and sell-out Treasonous Traitor trump is the witless, gullible, complicit & colluding
accomplice / originator, as well as actively engaging in Sedition and Insurrection.
(and worse than that;
Ignorance is NO excuse;
as are MANY others)
That Thing who conned his way into OUR White House is a racist, sexist, misogynist, homophobic, xenophobic, bigoted, cheating, deceitful, dishonest, duplicitous ConMan, Grifter, Crook, Thief, LIAR, BULLY, & Sociopath, an Out-of-Control Toxic MegaloMANIAC with laughable Delusions of Grandeur, a Fascist Dictator / Autocrat / Plutocrat / King-deluded Wanna-Be, and all-around EPIC FAILURE. (in everything related to his deficient, not-worth-insuring, SAD, miserable, so-called life)
trump is a FAKE, a Fraud, and a FALSE, discredited, illegitimate, dishonored “president”,
who has severely embarrassed America and made us the Laughing Stock of the World. He has tainted
& tarnished our in-the-ideal “Shining City On A Hill” status. He has ruined America,
our democratic institutions, our government, and whatever reputation we had in the world.
trump was and still is Unqualified & Unfit for Office, A Clear and Present Danger to the
National Security of the United States of America, an Enemy of the State, an Enemy of the
Constitution, an Enemy of the People, & an Enemy of America.
trump is a vile, heinous, ignominious, mentally ill, psychologically unstable ShitMonkey, who is increasingly exhibiting some form of dementia and paranoid-based mind crisis. He is mentally fragile, deranged, demented, addled, & senile.
trump is an illiterate, hyper-ignorant, inept, incompetent, Pathological Liar & Dullard-Dunce, and is 'suffering' from Malignant Narcissistic Personality Toxicity Disorder, at BEST, as well as Self-Embarrassing Highly-Undeserved Egotism.
And, like all worthless, hurtful sociopaths (if not psychopath), he is inflicting all of it on others, in this case, America herself, our citizens, and the World at large. — Including those who are (also) too ignorant, self-destructive, & self-sabotaging to realize, understand, and see what is going on, and/or are like him, a.k.a. his PSYCHOphant trump-Trash ShitMonkey supporters, minions, cohorts, cronies, & associates, including most “republicans” & ‘conservatives’ & the ruined ONCE-gop GQP itself, who all deserve all the bad things life has to offer for their ILLk [sicK]. (if there is ANY Justice in the world)
trump has proven himself to be a depraved, morally bankrupt monster, a literal abomination, who is ethically devoid, and exceptionally vain, glib, inane, & vapid to unbelievable levels and degrees. This is who and what he is and chooses to be.
As an effective if not actual murderer, trump is DIRECTLY responsible for MILLIONS of American
Deaths, and so many more to come, as well as a multitude of others around the world (now
& inevitably), via his lies, deceit, & criminally incompetent mismanagement regarding the
COVID‑19 SARS‑CoV‑2 CoronaVirus Death Pandemic.
trump and all the other equally-responsible grisly ShitMonkeys have blood on their hands and
dark, corrupted minds, spirits, and souls.
Braggart trump is a disgusting, soulless, petty, wretched, pitiful, pathetic, comical, shameful, shameless, disgraceful, uncaring, despicable, deplorable, infantile Quisling KLOWN hyper-flawed LOSER. He is, at best, an Unholy Ghastly Specter.
trump bases his life on being beyond greedy in all things, über-selfish, self-interested, self-obsessed, self-centered, self-preoccupied, and self-absorbed. trump is lacking in the EXTREME in basic common decency, and true and genuine kindness, caring, compassion, & empathy. His lack of humanity is gruesome & literally astounding and unbelievable.
On a DAILY basis, to this day, trump SHITS on America, ALL Americans, the U.S. Constitution, and all Good and Decent things that America used to stand for. (the last pre-2016 & post-2020; in the ideal, of course, as usual) All with callous disregard.
trump is obviously not a smart man, and is a sad-assed, low-intelligence, low-IQ, low-energy, perverted, mind-filthy, Snowflake-Flavored Cupcake craven COWARD. His perverse predilections are vulgar and antithetical to simple common decency, minimal standards of morality, and The Rule of Law, all of which he rejects outright at every chance and turn, in every way. And when called on his “thinking", beliefs, and behaviors, he psychologically projects the negativity onto others. And then doubles and triples down, as per his foolish, obnoxious, sub-adolescent, imbecilic, dumb-ass, hateful asininity. trump is a defective, repugnant, abhorrent, contemptible, shifty, half-assed-treacherous, insidious, execrable, fatuous ‘Tard.
trump MUST be arrested, charged, INDICTED, found GUILTY on ALL counts, and imprisoned for Life for
his High Crimes and Misdemeanors, multiple Felonies, Criminal Culpable Negligence, Reckless
Endangerment, Depraved Indifference, and Crimes Against Humanity.
AND he MUST NEVER be allowed to hold ANY federal office EVER again.
He should also be universally publicly SHUNNED & ostracized by ALL truly decent &
right-thinking people, & made a Pariah around the world.
HOWEVER, our most fervent HOPE and desire should be that ShitMonkey LOSER–Benedict DonOLD is legally and lawfully
EXECUTED for Treason. The legal and lawful punishment for Treason is Death. Life in prison is too
good for the likes of him.
With similar treatment for trump’s family members and ALL the other UNpatriotic UNamerican Treasonous Traitorous Troglodytic DREGS of UNsociety ShitMonkeys who support him and are complicit in their collusion to turn America into UNamerica, and who are NOT Real and True Americans by any measure or description. They have lost any and all privileges of American citizenship and Rights thereof, and their lot in life should be, at the very least, relegated to incarceration in barbed-wire-fenced FEMA concentration internment camps for the rest of their miserable lives. And they should feel lucky for that mercy, as they are not even deserving of that due to their “thinking”, beliefs, speech/writing, and behaviors.
Now ask me what I really think.
#MakeAmericaAMERICAagain #MAAA
#MakeAmericaGOODagain #MAGA
(as in decent, like we used to try to be)
"We have lost our sense of shame." — Gen. Colin Powell
Note: There are over 800 images here, so they are now paged 50 per page for faster loading. Or you can
[View ALL Images as Thumbnails],
or group and view them by year, 2015 thru 2020. (see below)
Most of the images are humorous, and some are "humorous". Some are #NSFW. Some have messages. Some
are philosophical. Some are vicious. Some are "edgy". Some push various "limits". Sprinkled
throughout you will find giggles, lols, humor, satire, parody, and some performance art. Ratings
cover the gamut, from G to PG-13, to R. Generally, probably 15+ year-olds, depending on the young
person, and the parent.
(the imagery is below)
If you would like to support my work, if you like it, appreciate it, want to encourage me to do more,
and would like to "donate" a small TIP, that would be appreciated.
Thank you.
If you want to see the original Too Old page, click here. It's a wonder to behold. And for whatever reasons it never gained recognition or popularity is part of what's wrong with the world, especially the United States. I told you so. And now 'we' have "pr*zident" ShitMonkey LOSER–Benedict DonOLD trump. (you're welcome, world — and "we" apologize profusely)
Check out my Diamantine Clarity web journal (b'jou) for imagery and more.
(Fuck Facebook)
I occasionally wax (& whacks) poetic on Twitter.
I am Popeye Theophilus Barrnumb – The God of Skinny Punks – The God of Ants —
I Gots Moxie! — How perfectly goddamned delightful it all is, to be sure. #NSFW
I do other imagery at Deviant Art.
Some of what is here is also there. Plus an eclectic assemblage of ordered
randomness, unmitigated chaos, and perfectly warped sensibilities verging on the mundane.
Although there are some humorous and/or cute animal images, some philosophical meanderings, and
some other good stuff like that, as well. Co-sponsored by Abbie Normal Productions, UnLtd.
While you're here, consider looking at these little ditties at Daily Kos.
An Editorial for the Ages
I find it hysterically hilarious when I "meet" a ONCE-GOP Republican/Conservative SUBporter of
Depressident trumPsycho (aka trumpito [, & ShitMonkey LOSER–Benedict DonOLD trump]), and I point out that they are an ignorant, organically
stupid, self-based, generally unkind & uncaring, lacking in compassion and empathy, low-intellect,
low-class, low-rent, low-life, indecent, uncouth, disgraceful, disgusting, shameful, deplorable,
worthless, toxic, scumbaggy, petty sub-human being, and they think they are not.
It is VERY sad, because they are Oh, SO wrong.
'Archived' on my Diamantine Clarity b'jou | An Editorial for the Ages
(this is inspired by, and partly borrowed from, a speech from
the TV show "Colony", with a little of this and that borrowed
from here and there, for good measure, wrapped in inevitability)
We, the People, are under attack. As is our beloved country, the United States of America.
But our enemy did not come from overseas (or from the South). And they are not Muslims. Our enemy was already here. Most of them are self-proclaimed so-called "Christians". They are not foreign enemies, they are Domestic Enemies. Not only have they shown their true colors, but they fly them shamelessly.
'Archived' on my Diamantine Clarity b'jou | Citizen Soldier
Gag Reflex
– A Comedy of Tragic Proportions
A Web Comic for the Age of Disenlightenment
I Called It Right In My FREE Novelette eBook
(pub. Jan 2016; mostly written mid-2015 — I predicted ShitMonkey LOSER–Benedict DonOLD trump's
"pR*zidency" and beat Michael Moore by a long shot)
"My Perfectly Wonderful Zombie Christmas" excerpt: PERMALINK
And then throw the Donald trump as President debacle and fiasco and his 'popularity' on top of it
all, and we were obviously observing the Decline and Fall of the New Roman Empire occurring
right before our very eyes. So maybe it was all for the best in some (most) senses. Like General
Colin Powell said, "We have lost our sense of shame". Truer words were never spoken or written or
verbalized. Perhaps too many of us went insane and nobody noticed. (7 billion human rats racing
around – most likely WAY beyond the carrying capacity of the planet – stewing in our
collective societal excremental juices, and then wondering why no one is feeling well) And/Or maybe
too many sociopaths were allowed to take over too many high-level positions in too many governMental
and corporate and other institutional agencies, city, county, state, federal, and private. So long,
and thanks for all the fish. (42 of them if I'm not mistaken)
"Repeat after me: It's The End of the World as We Know It... and I Feel Fine. (TEOTWAWKI –
See Moar:
Moar Explanatia
• NOTE: Some of the images below are shown without the original text commentary that
accompanied them. (on Facebook and/or Twitter) They were posted from late
2015 throughout 2020, and
beyond, and are more or less shown here from older at the top to newer at the bottom. (now paged)
• Interpretation out-of-context is A Wonderful and Many-Splendored Thing. Caveat Emptor.
• Although most of the imagery is "ShitMonkey LOSER–Benedict DonOLD trump-themed", some is
election-themed, and some is additional ancillary content, with a little of this and that apropos
for good measure, and some COVID-19 Death Pandemic commentary, trump-based and otherwise.
• The image filename should, usually does, or may or may not contribute additional edification.
• Most of the images are displayed at 50% size. Click-Toggle on them to see the full-sized image.
(date-listed more or less oldest to newest (50 images per page) – so go to the bottom of the last page for the latest additions – [BOTTOM])
First, a video, of which I am quite proud.
Download Video:
Closed Format: "MP4"
Open Format: "OGG"
(date-listed more or less oldest to newest (50 images per page) – so go to the bottom of the last page for the latest additions – [BOTTOM])
[View ALL Images as Thumbnails]
Or Group View by Year:
Or: [View All Images Paged]
Images Created in 2019 — << – >> (833 images total) [Bottom]
Images Created in 2019 — (158 images) << – >> ($nFiles images) [Top]
[View ALL Images as Thumbnails]
Or Group View by Year:
Or: [View All Images Paged]
The animated image below is GROSS, GOREY, BLOODY, and #NSFW!!.
It is a parody from the sci-fi film, "Scanners", where HEADS EXPLODE through
psychic/paranormal means. I think mine is better, with the little head twitch, than others that
don't have it, afaik. The only problem is that his hands are too big. Much, much too big.
This image idea is not unique, but it was original on my part. I eventually saw others had done it,
too. 'Great Minds' think alike.
To VIEW it click this link now. (you have been warned)
If you would like to support my work, if you like it, appreciate it, want to encourage me to do more,
and would like to "donate" a small TIP, that would be appreciated.
Thank you.
#ShitMonkey #ShitMonkeys #ShitMonkeyLOSERBenedictDonOLDtrump
#ShitMonkeyLOSERBenedictDonaldtrump #LOSERBenedictDonOLDtrump #LOSERBenedictDonaldtrump
#BenedictDonOLDtrump #BenedictDonaldtrump #BenedictDonOLD
#BenedictDonald #TYPHOIDtrump #Abomination #Abominations
#AClearAndPresentDanger #altRight #America #AmericaInMourning
#AmericanElection #A mericanHorrorStory #ANTItrump #ApologiesToTheWorld #asylum
#Bernie #BernieSanders #BOYCOTT #crazy #DepressidentTrumPsycho
#Devolution #donaldtrump #DonalDtrumpSupporters #Election2016
#ElectionFraud #ElectionResults #ElectoralCollege #emotionallyill
#Fascism #Hideous #Hillary #Hillary2016 #HillaryClintonForPresident
#IAimToMisbehave #IMPEACH #Impeach45 #IMPEACHtrump #inmates
#insane #insanity #INVESTIGATEtrump #LIAR #lies #LiesOfOmission
#MadKINGtrump #MalignantNarcissist #MalignantNarcissisticPersonalityDisorder
#manChild #MaraLago #mentallyill #Merica #MrPresidential
#Murica #nazi #nazis #NeverGiveUpNeverSurrender #NewBenedictArnold
#NGUNS #NoPeaceUntilNOtrump #NotMYpresident #PathologicalLiar
#pResidentReject #protest #PROTESTtrump #psychotic #PutinPuppet
#putinsBitch #RESIST #Resistance #Revolution #scrotus
#ScumOfTheEarth #Shamelot #sociopath #sociopaths #sociopathic
#TEOTWAWKI #TheManWhoWouldBeKing #Traitor #TREASON #TRE45ON #trump
#trumpcare #TrumpedUpCare #trumpito #trumpPence16 #trumpsanto
#trumPsycho #TrumPsychos #UNamerica #UnAmerican #VoterFraud
#VoterSuppression #WorseThanHitler #UNpatriotic #PublicEnemyNo1
#ENEMYofTheState #ENEMYofTheConstitution #ENEMYofThePeople #ENEMYofAmerica
#MuellerInvestigation #MuellerTime #Mueller #UNqualified
#UnfitForOffice #UnfitToBePresident #dementia #DementiaDonald #FOOL
#ViralSocialism #Socialism #TheBigV #CoronApocalypse #COVID19 #COVID2019
#COVID19US #CoronaVirus #SARSCoV2 #CoronaVirusPandemic
#CoronaVirusUpdate #CoronavirusUSA #CoronavirusPandemic #CoronavirusOutbreak
#CoronavirusTruth #trumpdemic #trumpVirus #trumpRecession
#Resist #Insist #Persist #IMPEACH #RIPI
#MAAA #MakeAmericaAMERICAagain #FUCKtrump